nQ Email server
Functional Overview - revision 1.1
June 2002.
nQ is an interface to a collection of RedTitan server applications running on a PC. A remote control system provides a simple interface using a web browser like INTERNET EXPLORER.

The principle components of nQ are

  1. An extended HTTP server
  2. An FTP server
  3. A store and forward spooling system.
  4. An Email forwarding system
  5. A Document server.
The RedTitan Dynamic Document Formatting system, Legacy Migration system, PCL transform and data processing systems may also be managed by nQ but are supplied separately.

This document is a functional overview of the email document forwarding capabilities of nQ.
nQ Email - Minimum system requirements nQ Email - Installation. The email server software (QEMAIL.EXE) is pre-installed with nQ. To set configuration options select the EMAIL tab and click the Configure menu option.
Directory: (Wilcard file specification)1
Login: (SMTP helo name)2
Mail server: (SMTP host name)1
From email: (formal email address)3
From name: (informal name)4
Reply to: (reply formal email address)5
Subject: (default subject)6
  1. Directory - The email server uses a request file to process email send request and record status. Any suitable directory may be used for these small files. The configuration option must be a wildcard specification.
  2. Login - The user name required by the SMTP server.
  3. Mail server - This is the name or IP address of an SMTP email server.
  4. From email - Correctly formatted email address of originator.
  5. Reply to - Correctly formatted email address for replies.
  6. Subject - Default subject line.
nQ Email - Status summary Each email request is processed in turn. If the email server is unavailable the request are held in the queue. Fatal errors are reported in the status field which will normally show the SMTP confirmation as shown below. An individual request can be deleted by click the ID field on the listing.
nQ Email - Request file format The request files are normally generated by program. The nQ spooler plug-in that automates email document forwarding is described below. Each request has the following header format.
TO:<target email address>required
SUBJECT:<subject line>optional
ATTACH:<full path to file attachment>optional
ALIAS:<file name to be used in email>optional
CONTROL:<full path to nQLPD control file>optional
The header is terminated by a blank line. The message body of the email follows the header in plain text. A completed request has a status message appended by the nQ Email server. e.g.
TO: xerces@robinace.com
SUBJECT: testing
ATTACH: c:\nqemail\email_dfA900REDGHOST
ALIAS: george.htm

This message was forwarded by nQ.

Kind regards


sent: OK id=14CLoY-0004dl-00 13:21:29 30 Dec 2000
Note that the attached MIME type used in the email message is deduced from the attachments file extension by looking up the file type in the local registry. Unknown file extensions would be forwarded as APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM. nQ Email - Spooler plug-in POSTBOX Postbox is a program that feeds requests to the nQ QEMAIL auto-email server. It does not send email, it just submits a request. POSTBOX is designed to act as a plug-in run from a rule defined in the nQ Spooler nQLPD environment. In this environment it expects a data file name as the first parameter on the command line. The data file name (dFA????) is used to deduce the spooler control file name. By default, the real data file name comes from the control file. Other parameters can be supplied on the command line including the email parameter file to be used POSTBOX can be run from a regular command line BUT it takes a lot of setting up!
POSTBOX <full path to data file> [[<parameter file name>] [<real file name>]]
<parameter file name> specifies the path and name of the xml format parameter file. If the file path is omitted then the location of .exe is assumed. If the <real file name> is omitted then the control file originating filename is used. e.g.
POSTBOX c:\inbox\dfa1234 home.xml demo.html
The parameter file is used to supply the body text for an email, the recipient and the subject line. e.g. POSTBOX.XML
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <EMAIL TO="user@yourdomain.com" subject="Testing POSTBOX">
Dear !!lpru;
  This is a multi-line 
Note that the SPOOLER control file entity substitutions may be used using the !!<entity>; notation. This is intended to allow the TO email address to be parameterised from the spooler control file but parameters may be also used in the SUBJECT and BODY xml tags. The following entity references are defined. CONTROLFILE PRINTER LPRH USER LPRN LPRJ LPRC LPRL LPRP PAGES ERRORS ERROR LPRF LPRU LPRLOWERL COMMENT DATAFILE