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PCL Printer Command Language  

pcl pad PCL-Escape-Sequenzen werden nach Funktion geordnet in den Tabellen (rechts) zusammengefasst (in Englisch).


ist das Escape-Zeichen,
hexadecimal 0x1B


zeigt an, dass eine Anzahl von Zeichen für die Parameter dem Befehl folgt


repräsentiert einen Ganz- oder Dezimalzahl-Parameter


wird durch ein eiziges Alpha-Zeichen ersetzt

RedTitan EscapeE wird verwendet, um PCL oder PDF anzusehen oder ins Adobe PostScript-, PDF-, IBM AFP- oder XEROX Metacode-Format zu konvertieren.

pcl pad
pcl pad
pcl pad

PCL Printer Command Language-Funktionsreferenz

PCL Page Length and Size

Ec &l1A


Ec &l2A


Ec &l3A


Ec &l26A


Ec &l27A


Ec &l80A


Ec &l81A

Commercial 10

Ec &l90A

International DL

Ec &l91A

International C5

Ec &l101A

Custom paper

Ec &l#A

Unknown Paper Size (#)

Ec &l#M

Media type #

Ec &l#P

Define Page Length to # Lines
PCL Margins and Text length

Ec &l#E

Define Top Margin at # Lines

Ec &l#F

Define Text Length as # Lines

Ec &a#L

Define Left Margin at Column #

Ec &a#M

Define Right Margin at Column #

Ec &l#U

Long edge (left) offset registration #

Ec &l#Z

Short edge (top) offset registration #

Ec 9

Clear Margin

PCL Horizontal Column Spacing (HMI)

Ec &k#H

Set HMI = #/120"

PCL Vertical Line Spacing

Ec &l#C

Set VMI = #/48"

Ec &l1D


Ec &l2D


Ec &l3D


Ec &l4D


Ec &l6D


Ec &l8D


Ec &l0D

12 LPI

Ec &l#D

Set Line Spacing to # LPI

Ec =

Half Line Feed

Ec &u#D

Set # dpi dot resolution

Ec &a0N

Contains negative motion

Ec &a1N

No negative motion

HP PCL Deskjet print modes

Ec &k0W

Unidirectional printing

Ec &k1W

Bidirectional printing

Ec &k2W

Unidirectional right-to-left

Ec &k5W

66-line Text Scale mode

Ec &k6W

Text Scale mode off

HP PCL Deskjet raster graphics print modes

Ec *p1N

Bidirectional graphics

Ec *p2N

Graphics print mode left-to-right

Ec *p3N

Graphics print mode right-to-left

Ec *p4N

Smart bidirectional graphics

Ec *p#N

graphics print mode #

PCL Absolute positioning

Ec &a#R

Move to Row #

Ec *p#Y

Vert position = # Dots

Ec &a#V

Vert position # Decipoints

Ec &a#C

Move to Column #

Ec *p#X

Horiz position = # Dots

Ec &a#H

Horiz position # Decipoints

PCL Relative Positioning

Ec &a+#R

Move down # rows

Ec *p+#Y

Move down # Dots

Ec &a+#V

Move down # Decipoints

Ec &a+#C

Move right # cols

Ec *p+#X

Move right # Dots

Ec &a+#H

Move right # Decipoints

Ec &a-#R

Move up # rows

Ec *p-#Y

Move up # Dots

Ec &a-#V

Move up # Decipoints

Ec &a-#C

Move left # cols

Ec *p-#X

Move left # Dots

Ec &a-#H

Move left # Decipoints

Ec &f0S

Push Cursor Position

Ec &f1S

Pop Cursor Position

PCL Page Orientation

Ec &l0O


Ec &l1O


Ec &l#O

Orientation #

Ec &a0P

Rotation 0

Ec &a90P

Rotation 90 (portrait -> landscape)

Ec &a180P

Rotation 180

Ec &a270P

Rotation 270 (landscape -> portrait)

Ec &a#P

Rotation # degrees

PCL Font Selection

Ec (#a

see PCL font selection

Ec (8U

Roman-8 Symbol Set

Ec (11U

IBM Danish/Norwegian Symbol Set

Ec (10U

IBM-PC (USA) Symbol Set

Ec (9U

Windows 3.0 Symbol set

Ec (19U

Windows 3.1 Symbol set

Ec )8U

Roman-8 as Secondary Font Symbol Set

Ec )11U

IBM Danish/Norwegian as Secondary Font Symbol Set

Ec )10U

IBM-PC (USA) as Secondary Font Symbol Set

Ec )9U

Windows 3.0 Secondary Symbol set

Ec )19U

Windows 3.1 Secondary Symbol set

PCL Font Spacing

Ec (s1P


Ec (s0P

Fixed Pitch

Ec (s#P

Unknown Font Spacing (#)!

Ec )s1P

Proportional Spacing for Secondary Font

Ec )s0P

Fixed Pitch Spacing for Secondary Font

Ec )s#P

Unknown Font Spacing (#)!

Ec (s#H

pitch # cpi

Ec )s#H

Secondary Font pitch # cpi

Ec (s#V

Point Size #

Ec )s#V

Secondary Font Point Size #

PCL Font Style

Ec (s0S


Ec (s1S


Ec (s#S

Font Style #

Ec )s0S

Secondary Font is Upright

Ec )s1S

Secondary Font is Italic

Ec )s#S

Secondary Font Style #

PCL Font Stroke Weight Selection

Ec (s-3B

Light Weight

Ec (s0B

Medium Weight

Ec (s3B


Ec (s#B

Weight #

Ec )s-3B

Secondary Font - Light Stroke Weight

Ec )s0B

Secondary Font - Medium Stroke Weight

Ec )s3B

Secondary Font - Bold Stroke Weight

Ec )s#B

Secondary Font - Weight #

PCL Font TypeFace Number Selection

Ec (s#T

Typeface #

Ec )s#T

Secondary Font - Typeface #

PCL Font Pitch Selection

Ec &k0S

Font Pitch 10.00 cpi

Ec &k2S

Font Pitch 16.66 cpi

Ec &k4S

Font Pitch 12.00 cpi

Ec (3@

Choose Default font as Primary Font

Ec (#@

Primary Font Requested Attribute Value #

Ec )3@

Choose Default font as Secondary Font

Ec (#@

Secondary Font Requested Attribute Value #

PCL Font Selection by identification

Ec (#X

Select Primary Font by ID (#)

Ec )#X

Select Secondary Font by ID (#)

PCL Font Management

Ec *c#D

Define Font Id #

Ec *c0F

Delete All Fonts

Ec *c1F

Delete All Temporary Fonts

Ec *c2F

Delete Last Font ID Specified

Ec *c3F

Delete LAst Font ID and Char Code

Ec *c4F

Make Font Temporary

Ec *c5F

Make Font Permanent

Ec *c6F


Ec *c#F

Unknown Font Manmagement Command (#F)!

PCL DownLoading Fonts

Ec *c#E...

ASCII Code # Decimal...

Ec )s#W...

Create Font Header of # Bytes...

Ec (s#W...

Download Character of # Bytes...

Ec *c#R

Define Symbol set ID #

Ec (f#W...

Define Symbol Set Characters (# Bytes)...

Ec *c5S

Make symbol set permanent

Ec *c#S

Symbol set control (#)

Ec &n#W...

Alphanumeric ID #...

PCL Double-byte text parsing

Ec &t0P

Single-byte chars

Ec &t1P

Single-byte chars

Ec &t#P

Double-byte mode #

PCL Rules

Ec *c#A

Rule Horizontal Size # Dots

Ec *c#H

Rule Horizontal Size # Decipoints

Ec *c#B

Rule Vertical Size # Dots

Ec *c#V

Rule Vertical Size # Decipoints

Ec *c0P

Print Black Rule

Ec *c1P

Print White Rule

Ec *c2P

Print Grey Scale

Ec *c3P

Print Cross-hatch Pattern

Ec *c4P

Print User-defined Pattern

Ec *c5P

Print Current Pattern

PCL patterns - same codes as for grey scale

Ec *c1G

HP Pattern 1 Horiz Line

Ec *c2G

HP Pattern 2 Vertical Line

Ec *c3G

HP Pattern 3 Diagonal Lines

Ec *c4G

HP Pattern 4 Diagonal Lines

Ec *c5G

HP Pattern 5 Square Grid

Ec *c6G

HP Pattern 6 Diagonal Grid

Ec *c#G

#% Grey Scale

Ec *p#R

pattern rotation #

PCL Raster Graphics

Ec *t#R

# DPI Graphics resolution

Ec *r0A

Start Graphics at Left Graphics Margin

Ec *r1A

Start Graphics at Current Cursor

Ec *r2A

Start Scaled Graphics at Left Graphics Margin

Ec *r3A

Start Scaled Graphics at Current Cursor

Ec *b#W...

# Graphics data bytes...

Ec *rB

End Graphics

Ec *rC

End Graphics with reset

Ec *r0F

Rotate image

Ec *r3F

LaserJet Landscape compatible

Ec *g#W...

Configure raster data # bytes

Ec *b#Y...

move vertically # raster lines...

Ec *r#T

raster height # pixels

Ec *r#S

raster width # pixels

Ec *t#V

scaled raster height #

Ec *t#H

scaled raster width #

Ec *b0M


Ec *b1M

run-length encodes

Ec *b2M

packbits (bytewise run-length)

Ec *b3M

delta row compression

Ec *b4M

block data

Ec *b5M

adaptive compression

Ec *b6M

CCITT3 1-D compression

Ec *b7M

CCITT3 2-D compression

Ec *b8M

CCITT4 compression

PCL Color DeskJet and PCL5 only

Ec *b9M

DeskJet compression

Ec *b#M

unknown row compression mode #

Ec *b#S

seed row # source

Ec *b#V...

# colour data bytes

Ec *r1Q

draft quality graphics

Ec *r2Q

NLQ graphics

Ec *r-3U

3-planes CYM

Ec *r-4U

4-planes CYMK

Ec *r1U

single plane palette

Ec *r3U

3-planes RGB

Ec *r#U

Unknown palette (#)

Ec *b#B

Gray Balance #

Ec *o#M

Print quality (#)

Ec *o#Q

raster graphics shingling (#)

Ec *o#D

raster graphics depletion (#)

Ec *c#W-

define pattern # bytes

Ec *p0R

rotate patterns

Ec *p1R

no pattern rotation

Ec *c#Q

temp/perm pattern mode #

PCL Obsolete functions

Ec *p#N

raster print mode #

Ec *r#Q

raster print quality #

PCL Color

Ec *v#S

foreground colour #

Ec &p#I

palette ID #

Ec &p0C

delete all palettes

Ec &p1C

clear palette stack

Ec &p2C

delete palette

Ec &p6C

copy palette to current ID

Ec &p#S

select palette ID #

Ec *v18W-

configure image data (RGB or CYM)

Ec *v30W-

configure image data (CIE L*a*b)

Ec *v86W-

configure image data (Colorimetric RGB)

Ec *v122W-

configure image data (Luminence-Chrominence)

Ec *v#W...

configure image data # bytes (RGB)

Ec &b0M

Mixed monochrome rendering

Ec &b1M

Gray equivalent

Ec *v#A

colour component 1=#

Ec *v#B

colour component 2=#

Ec *v#C

colour component 3=#

Ec *v#I

assign components to palette index #

Ec *p0P

push palette

Ec *p1P

pop palette

Ec *t#I

Gamma correction #

Ec *l#W...

Colour look-up table # bytes

Ec &b0F

Matte finish

Ec &b1F

Glossy finish

Ec &b#T

Dry time #

Ec *o#W...

Colour treatment

PCL Imaging

Ec *v0T

pattern = solid black

Ec *v1T

pattern = solid white

Ec *v2T

pattern = shading

Ec *v3T

pattern = cross-hatched

Ec *v4T

pattern = user-defined

Ec *v#T

Unknown shading pattern #

Ec *v0N

transparent source

Ec *v1N

opaque source

Ec *v0O

transparent pattern

Ec *v1O

opaque pattern

Ec *l#O

rasterOp #

Ec *t#J

halftone render algorithm #

Ec *m#W...

download dither matrix # bytes

Ec *l#R

Pixel placement #

PCL Macros

Ec &f#Y

Define Macro ID #

Ec &f0X

Start Macro Definition

Ec &f1X

End Macro Definition

Ec &f2X

Execute Macro

Ec &f3X

Call Macro

Ec &f4X

Enable Overlay

Ec &f5X

Disable Overlay

Ec &f6X

Delete Macros

Ec &f7X

Delete All Temporary Macros

Ec &f8X

Delete Macro ID

Ec &f9X

Make Temporary

Ec &f10X

Make Permanent

PCL diagnostics - Reset and Self Test

Ec E


Ec z


Ec Y

Display Functions On

Ec Z

Display Functions Off

PCL Underline

Ec &d0D

Single fixed Underline On

Ec &d2D

Double fixed Underline On

Ec &d3D

Single floating Underline On

Ec &d4D

Double floating Underline On

Ec &d#D

Underline (#) On

Ec &d@

Underline Off

PCL Line ending

Ec &s0C

Enable Line Wrap

Ec &s1C

Disable Line Wrap

PCL Paper Control

Ec &l#X

Select # Copies

Ec &l#G

Select bin #

Ec &r#F

Flush pages #

Ec &l-1H

Feed Z-fold media

Ec &l0H

Eject Page

Ec &l0V

Conditional page feed

Ec &l1H

Feed from Tray 1 (upper)

Ec &l2H

Manual Feed

Ec &l3H

Manual Envelope Feed

Ec &l4H

Feed from Tray 2 (lower)

Ec &l5H

Feed from paper deck

Ec &l#H

Feed from source #

Ec &l#T

Job separation (#)

Ec &l0L

Disable Perf Skip

Ec &l1L

Enable Perf Skip

Ec &a0G

Next side

Ec &a1G

Front side

Ec &a2G

Back side

Ec &l0S


Ec &l1S

Duplex Long-edge binding

Ec &l2S

Duplex Short-edge binding

Ec &l1T

Job separation - paper offset


Ec *c#X

HP GL Picture frame width # decipoints

Ec *c#Y

HP GL Picture frame height # decipoints

Ec *c0T

HP GL Picture anchor point = current position

Ec *c#K

# inches HP GL plot width

Ec *c#L

# inches HP GL plot height

PCL Line Termination

Ec &k0G


Ec &k1G


Ec &k2G


Ec &k3G


PCL Transparent Print data

Ec &p#X...

Transparent Print Data # Bytes...

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