Click to expand/collapse this hidden textInputBox(const ACaption, APrompt, ADefault: string): string;


A modal dialog containing an "editable box" is displayed. InputBox function returns the string entered into this box by the user or, if the box is not edited, a default string.
ACaption specifies the text to be used in the title bar of the dialog.
APrompt specifies the text shown above the editable box.
ADefault supplies the text to be used if the editable box is not edited.

Example InputBox example

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textFlash(S:string);


FLASH displays non-modal text alert window until another modal dialog or a new top window is selected.
String S contains the text to be displayed.

Example Query example

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textQuery(Caption:string;[Timeout:number;Default:boolean]):boolean;


QUERY function displays a dialog requesting a YES or NO response.
TIMEOUT (optional) parameter specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for user response.
DEFAULT (optional) parameter specifies whether the result is TRUE or FALSE if the dialog times out.

Example Query example

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textShowMessage(S:string;[Timeout:number]);


SHOWMESSAGE displays a modal dialog alert message.
The optional parameter TIMEOUT specifies the number of milliseconds to wait for user response.

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textBrowse[(Caption[[,InitialDir],Filters]:string)]:string;


BROWSE function returns the string resulting from a "Browse for a file" dialog.
CAPTION default value is 'Select file'.
INITIALDIR default value is an empty string ''.
FILTERS default value is '*.*|*.*'.


 'Zip (*.zip)|*.zip|Async (*.abb)|*.abb|Async (*.asy)|*.asy'

 Tip: your RS/2 script should check for an empty string return: this indicates the dialog has been cancelled.

Example Table example: Variable data