The default input and output resolution of images is set up on the Images page of the 'Configuration' dialog (F8 key), see Image import/export options.

An Override option enables the initial input resolution to be used throughout a job.

Both the default image resolution and resolution-override apply to images added by plugins as well as to those read from the data-stream.

When you are exporting an image which is expected to be viewed on-screen only, a resolution of 100x100 will usually suffice, whereas if a laser printer-quality image may be required, it would be better to select a resolution of 300x300. For archiving purposes choosing "200" or "150" will allow rough paper copies to be produced at much reduced file sizes.

You may export your image file at a custom resolution by filling in the 'X-resolution' and 'Y-resolution' boxes. Values can be from 25 to 600. Note that if the Y-resolution is left blank, EscapeE 'eE' iconEscapeE will use the same value specified for the X-resolution.

To export a TIFF file intended for faxing, select the appropriate Fax output resolution:










Super Fine