Comprehensive lists of fonts and information about them may be viewed. The fonts may be shown all together in one table or split into separate several tables, grouped into categories.

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textTo open a table
Select Fonts in use, Downloaded Fonts, Resident fonts or Substitute fonts from the 'Fonts' menu.

Once a table is open you may switch to viewing other font tables by choosing from the drop-down list of categories. Each row in these tables contains the details of one font:

Resident fonts
Fonts in use
Downloaded fonts
Current font substitutes
Default font substitutes

These table categories show lists of filenames:

Likely font files
Font packs
All files

Select a filename then click Details to fill in that font's details.

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textFont details

Name  e.g. Courier New, Arial, EETMP5614225.TTF. When a TrueType font is downloaded, this field will be set to the TrueType font file name (maximum name length of 63 characters).

SymbolSet e.g. 19U: see About symbol sets.

Size e.g. 12cpi for a fixed-pitch bitmap font, 10pt for a proportional bitmap font or scaleable for TrueType and OpenType® fonts.

Spacing e.g. Proportional.

Weight e.g. bold.

Style e.g. italic.

Typeface e.g. 3: see Using font attributes as tags.

ID e.g. 2. When present in your input file, these identification numbers are allocated to downloaded fonts by some documents so that the font can be identified using a single unique number rather than by specifying all the font attributes.

Selection sequence e.g. (s0p0s0b3T: see Syntax of a font substitute file.

Substitution e.g. 9.5pt.

PDF Substitute font e.g. Helvetica-Oblique. A double quote " indicates that it is the same as the screen font.

Screen font e.g. Arial.

Conversion symbolset e.g. HP3: see Syntax of a font substitute file.

Comments e.g. EETMP5614225.TTF font Verdana Regular.
An * denotes that it is a Substitute font; you can change the substitute font by clicking Substitute. Note that the Portable Document Format has its own preferences for font-matching, e.g. PDF uses 'Helvetica' in place of 'Arial'.
When an oblique (rather than italic) font style is used, the angle of slant applied is given.

# e.g. 26. The number of elements currently using this font on the current and previous page (if any).

Header e.g. 21503179515.

Start e.g. 0.

End e.g. -1.

Note that the 'Default font substitutes' and 'Current font substitutes' font tables show attributes that match the original font in green and those that do not match in red, e.g.:





Click to expand/collapse this hidden textTo edit font details
1.Click on any item in the list to select it.
oHold down the Shift key and click another item in the list to select a group of items.
oTo select all items, click Select All button or right-click and choose Select all fonts.
2.Selected items are highlighted on a light blue background: right-click to open the pop-up menu, then choose from these options:
oShow font details when viewing 'Likely font files', 'Font packs' and 'All files' tables: see Viewing font information.
oAdd to resident library: see also Installing fonts.
oRemove from resident library without deleting file from the system: see also Installing fonts.
oChange Style: enter the new style value, e.g. 1 (Italic). See also see Using font attributes as tags.
oChange substitute font to open 'Font substitutes' dialog: see Setting up a Font Substitute file.
oChange Symbolset: enter the new symbolset ID, e.g. 10U then click Save font. See also About symbolsets.
oChange typeface: enter the new typeface number, e.g. 3 (Courier) then click Save font. See also Using font attributes as tags.
oChange weight: enter the new weight number, e.g. -3 (light) then click Save font. See also Using font attributes as tags.
oSave list to open the 'Save As' dialog and copy the table text to a new file: enter a 'File name' for the new file e.g. MyFonts.txt then click Save.
oShow font sample: any bitmap samples are shown by EscapeE 'eE' iconEscapeE but scalable fonts are sampled by the FONTEDIT program if it is found in the EscapeE software folder (rather than by a font viewing program in your Windows system).
oAdd font to character recognition database: this is an option to enable experts to include fonts that they know to be sound in the TTLIB database – see EEfonts iconEEfonts.
3.Highlighted font(s) in the Resident, Default font substitute, Current font substitute or Font pack lists can be deleted from the list (but not your system) by clicking the Remove button.

Blue diamond bullet Tip: To allow fonts to be substituted, tick Enable substitutions box; see also Setting General export options.