Click to expand/collapse this hidden text{fieldname.size}
Extracts an attribute of a field's position and size, or length in characters.

The field and tag parameters (as set up in the Fields dialog – see Defining fields and tags) may be used in composite field expressions. These size attributes (in units defined in the Viewing page of the Configuration dialog) are:

left, right, top, bottom

position of field's boundaries.

width, height

size of field

x, y

coordinates at which tag is found.


the number of characters found.

For example, if the value of the field named title is "Miss", then the composite field


gives the number of characters in title, i.e. "4". Arithmetic operators may be used in composite field definitions, for example
extracts 3 characters from fielda starting at the column position given by the number of characters in fieldy plus two characters.

Click to expand/collapse this hidden text{fieldname:range}
Extracts a range of character(s) from a named field. There are several ways of specifying the range
The name of the field may be followed by a colon and a number specifying the position of the first character to be extracted from the field. If a positive number is given, the first character is found by counting from the left. For example, if the field value is ABCD,EFGH then:
extracts the field value from character 6 onwards, omitting the first 5 characters: EFGH.
If a negative number is given, the first character is found by counting from the right. For example:
extracts only the last 4 characters of the field: EFGH.
The syntax may be followed by a further colon and the number of characters to be extracted, for example
extracts 3 characters starting at the 4th character from the left: D,E and
extracts 3 characters starting at the 4th character from the right: EFG.
Alternatively, the range may be given by a hyphen and an end character position number. Use positive position numbers to counting from the left and negative numbers to count from the right, e.g.
extracts 3 characters ranging from the 4th to the 6th characters from the left: D,E.
Another option is to specify the range using a further colon and separator character(s) as a quoted string (i.e. between a pair of single or double quotes). For example
extracts from character 1 up to the first comma or semi-colon: ABCD.
Click to expand/collapse this hidden text{field[n]}
Extracts the "nth" sub-string from a field.

The sub-strings must be separated by space character(s). To extract a sub-string which itself includes space character(s), the sub-string must be enclosed in a pair of single or double quotes. For example, if a field named PERSON contained the value
Mr "John Smith" 1234
{person[1]} would be Mr
{person[2]} would be John Smith
{person[3]} would be 1234

Click to expand/collapse this hidden text{field[#n]}
Extracts the "nth" line from a multi-line field.

For example, if ADDRESS were a 4-line field generated by the OCR plugin then
would be the second line of the address.

See also More on defining composite fields.

Blue diamond bullet Note

A composite field (i.e. one defined in terms of other fields) retains its value even if it uses a sub-field of a tag which does not occur on the current page. See also Setting fields file options.