Page numbers can be added to each page of a document when exporting.

EscapeE 'eE' iconEscapeE creates "Bates" numbers, designed to be unique over a complete set of documents. They may include a prefix and/or file-name stem in addition to the serial number.

The syntax for specifying the format of the number is similar to that for file-names:

"  represents one digit of the serial number

*  represents the original file stem

The maximum length of the page number template is 150 characters.

Click to expand/collapse hidden textExamples

For a PCL file called 'SALES.PRN':


Creates numbers


01, 02, 03, etc.

Page "

Page 1, Page 2,.. Page 10 etc.



You can also specify a starting page number; that is, the number that would be assigned to page 1 of the document. If, for example, it is 12345 then if you start output at page 10 that page will be numbered 12354, so that the numbering is consistent for any subset. If you select Remember number for next time from the Layout page of the Configuration dialog, then on closing the file the page number is saved (if it is larger than the previous highest number).

If you want to have two different projects each with its own range of page numbers then you will need to use different configuration files. The configuration file name can be specified on the command line or in a shortcut. Use the Save As button on the Configuration dialog to create such a file, and a shortcut to it.

To specify the starting page number on the command line use the /NEXTPAGE option e.g.

ESCAPEE myfile.pcl /TIFF /NEXTPAGE 12345

You may opt to Save number now so that the stored page number is reset to the value in the Number for next page box next to it. Note that otherwise the last-used page number is only saved if greater than the highest previously used.
On the command line, a negative value of /NEXTPAGE ensures that the page number is not saved for the next document and that the number is adjusted by any offset in the /PAGE option. For example the command:

escapee myfile.pcl /print /page 4-5 /nextpage -1 /pnum 'Page " of subset'

would print pages 4 to 5, numbering page 4 of the document as "Page 1 of subset" and page 5 as "Page 2 of subset".

Page numbers can be incorporated into the output file's name. When a "plus" sign is included in the output file name specified in the Export dialog, it is converted to the page number in the output filename. For example, the set-up:

Output file specification: *+.PDF
Page1 number: 3
Number template: p"
Input filename: FILE1

This set-up creates an output file named FILE1p3.PDF with pages numbered and starting at 3. To output the file without printing the number on each page, select a null font or clear the font point size or the horizontal or vertical position fields in the Configuration dialog's Layout page.