Page numbers, in the position and font of your choice, may be added to pages when they are exported. They may be simple digits or a combination of text and digits. The Bates numbering feature enables several different files to be output with consecutive numbers so that they form a set, e.g. for legal documents.

Click to expand/collapse this hidden textTo create page numbers
1.Choose Configuration... from the 'Options' menu or
press F8 key.
2.Select the Layout tab.
3.In the 'Page numbers' panel:
oIn the Template box, either:
Type in the text for the page-number's prefix. If the prefix text includes an * character then EscapeE 'eE' iconEscapeE will replace the asterisk with the filename stem. Or
Leave it blank for no prefix.
oEnter, or use the spin-buttons to set, the minimum Number of digits a page-number may display. EscapeE adds one " character to the Template for each digit required.
The default value is zero, which switches page-numbering off.

For more on setting up a Bates-style number template see About Page numbers

4.Set the Horizontal position of the page-number as a distance, either
oFrom left edge of page to the left side of the field or
oFrom right edge of page to the right side of the field.

If left blank, page numbering is suppressed.

5.Set the Vertical position similarly: either
oFrom top edge of page to the top of the character cells or
oFrom bottom edge of page to bottom the of the character cells.

If left blank, page numbering is suppressed.

6.Set the Point size and Font Family for the page-number. If either of these boxes are left blank, page numbering is suppressed.
7.If Bates page numbering is required:
oTick Remember number for next time so that the current 'Number for next page' is used for the next document. This ensures that the pages of successive documents are consecutive.
oYou may click Save number now to reset the stored page number to the value in the 'Number for next page' box. Note that otherwise the last-used page-number is only saved if greater than the highest previously used.
8.Click OK to use these setting for the current session. Or
Click Save to retain these settings after you close the program. Or
Click Save as to save these settings to a file. Or
Click Shortcut... to create a Shortcut icon which uses all the options you have set (see Shortcuts - the easy way to construct a command line).
Click to show/hide exampleTo switch off page numbering

Page numbering is suppressed when any of these boxes are left blank:

Number of digits and/or
Point size and/or
Family and/or
Horizontal position ('From left' and 'From right') and/or
Vertical position  ('From top' and 'From bottom')

Blue diamond bullet Notes

When there are more digits in an actual page-number than 'double-quote' characters in the template, then the length of the page number field on that page is extended to accommodate the extra digits: the numbers are never truncated. When there are fewer digits in the page-number than 'double-quote' characters in the template, then one or more 'zero' characters are added to the page number field to fill out the field to the required length. See example in About page numbers.
The vertical offsets are distances from the physical page edge to the edge of the nominal character cell for the font specified, not the font's baseline. This ensures that there is sufficient space for ascenders and descenders.
If using a Windows printer driver there is an unprintable region of about 0.3" at the edge of the page: any text which extends even partly into this region is omitted by the driver.

Blue diamond bullet Tip: To change the units in which distances are specified, see Configuring the view.