The INCLUDE element is used to incorporate named groups and IDF, CSV or EE files. For example,
incorporates an existing group with the name of 'para2'.

Files can be INCLUDEd within a PAGE container if the file itself supplies no more than one page. You may, however, incorporate one page selected from a multi-page file within a PAGE container by employing the REPEAT attribute. To incorporate several pages from a multi-page file directly, the INCLUDE statement must be located outside any PAGE container.

INCLUDE may be used to invoke an overlay by specifying a named GROUP and setting the CACHE attribute to "YES". (Overlays are used for efficiency when an object is used more than once in the document.) For example:
The ALPHA attribute may be specified for an overlay, either in the INCLUDE tag or its GROUP tag. This makes all the pixels translucent to the specified percentage, from 0 (completely transparent) to 100 (opaque).

You may use an "empty" INCLUDE element to create a customized document and yet leave the IDF file unchanged:

When the IDF file is opened, EscapeE displays the 'Input file name' dialog: select the FILENAME to be INCLUDEd. If you open the IDF file from the command-line, you may add the missing FILENAME instead e.g.:
ESCAPEE c:\Catalogs\Summer.idf,Special7

When an INCLUDE element is placed within a GROUP, included objects do not inherit any properties from that group other than supplying the X,Y position and rotation to be applied to the object.

When an INCLUDE statement does not specify a GROUPNAME or FILENAME (i.e. <INCLUDE/>), IDF uses the group or file specified in its parent container.

The file type is determined by the extension of a named file:
.IDF is another Intelligent Document Format file
.EE is a set of EscapeE field definitions
.CSV is a comma-separated data file with field names in record 1. The data values are assigned to the specified fields.

Element INCLUDE sample script
